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Medical guidelines

The role of the College Health Professional (Nurse) is to provide medical support to students in the College, and to promote healthy living across the College. We request the cooperation of all community members to help the College maintain a safe and healthy environment for all.  The following guidelines are written with reference to the Guidelines on Prevention of Communicable Diseases in Schools published by the Centre for Health Protection (CHP).

General Guidelines

  • If there are any changes to a student's medical circumstances, these changes should be updated via the ESF App. Click on Ding!VLE and find the Update Demographics section..

  • The nurse provides medical emergency intervention and assistance with minor injuries such as cuts and grazes. The nurse does not provide medicine or diagnose illnesses.

  • Parents should inform the Class Teacher (Primary) or Learning Advisor (Secondary) if they have any concerns regarding their child’s health.

  • Students should remain at home if they have any communicable disease.  Parents and guardians must obtain confirmation from a doctor that their child is fully recovered, and supply a medical certificate to the nurse, before sending their child to school.

  • Parents and guardians should not send their child to school if the child is feeling unwell, has vomited, has diarrhea symptoms, or has a tympanic temperature of 38.0°C or higher.

  • If a student shows signs of being unwell, vomits, has diarrhea symptoms, or has a tympanic temperature of 38.0 ºC or higher while at school, or on the way to school (e.g. on a school bus), the student will be required to leave school and return home.  Students in Years 1-5 need to be collected by a parent, guardian or caregiver.  Students in Years 6-13 will be allowed to travel home unaccompanied, with the permission of a parent or guardian.  

  • If a student has shown signs of being unwell, has vomited or had diarrhea symptoms twice or more within 24 hours, or has had a tympanic temperature of 38.0 ºC or higher, the student should remain at home for two full days after the symptoms subside.

  • Students who are sent home from school because they are unwell must remain at home for two full days after symptoms have subsided.  For example, if a student is sent home on Monday morning, they cannot come to school until Thursday morning at the earliest.


Procedure for attending the medical room

  • If a student is slightly unwell in class, the teacher will send the student to the medical room. The nurse will inform the teacher of any action taken. If the student is seriously ill, the nurse may be called to the classroom.

  • If a student is slightly unwell on the playground, the teacher or education assistant on duty will send the student to the medical room. The nurse will inform the teacher of any action taken. If the student is seriously ill, the nurse may be called to the playground.

  • The nurse will inform parents or guardians of any action taken, when deemed to be necessary.

  • Any medical intervention will be recorded by the nurse in Gateway.

Procedure for administering medicine

We encourage physicians to minimise the prescribing of medication to be taken during the school day. Medications should be given before and after school hours when possible. Only the nurse administers medicine within the school premises. If a student requires medication in school, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • A completed Medication Authorisation Form must be submitted to the school before medication can be administered. The Medication Authorisation Form is available HERE, or from the medical room.

  • Only medication prescribed by a doctor will be administered. A note, in English, should be received from the doctor to the effect that it is necessary for the child to take medication during school hours.

  • Any medication should be brought to school by the parent or guardian or their representative. It must be delivered personally to the nurse.

  • Medications must be clearly labelled in English with contents, child’s name, dosage, and frequency.

  • Medication will not be sent home with a student. A parent or guardian, or their representative must collect from the school where there is unused medication.

  • The College does not assume responsibility for any reactions that may occur following administration of medication sent from home, nor can there be any responsibility assumed if the parent or guardian does not send sufficient medication.

  • A long-term medication form is available for download HERE or from the medical room, and should be completed at the beginning of each school year for medications used long-term, e.g. inhalers and EpiPens.

Procedure requiring external intervention / hospitalisation

  • When an injury or illness occurs requiring medical intervention beyond the capability of the nurse, the College will attempt to reunite parents and guardians with their children as soon as possible. Parents and guardians will be informed of the situation and advised on next steps.

  • If parents or guardians are unavailable or cannot be contacted, any urgent decisions on medical intervention will be based on available knowledge and in the best interests of the student.

  • If a parent or guardian holds strong views against medical intervention based on religion, the nurse must be informed in writing, and alternative approaches must be agreed with the nurse. The parent or guardian must also sign a waiver of the College’s responsibility for not intervening medically as normally required.


Within the Discovery College Community, we have several individuals with severe allergies. These allergies may lead to anaphylaxis. This is a rapidly progressive allergic reaction that is potentially life-threatening. Common allergens for students are nuts, sesame products, and shellfish.

As a result, the College operates as a completely PEANUT-free area. In addition, some year groups, areas, or situations may need to operate with further restrictions on products based on the medical needs of those using these spaces or involved in these activities. Your support is greatly appreciated as it will assist us in ensuring we have minimised the risk to all community members.

Head lice

  • Do not send your child to school if they have head lice.

  • Parents or guardians should inform the class teacher (Primary) or Learning Advisor (Secondary), as well as the nurse, if their child has head lice.

  • If a student is found to have head lice during school hours, the nurse will inform parents or guardians and request that the student be collected and taken home.

  • Once a student has received treatment and all lice and eggs have been removed, they can return to school.

Contacting parents

  • If a student needs to go home for any medical-related reason, the College will contact a parent or guardian. The College will not send a child home with anyone unless a parent, guardian or emergency contact has been notified.

  • It is the responsibility of parents and guardians to keep contact details updated via the ESF App, whenever a change is made.


Grow. Discover. Dream. 

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