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Welcome to Discovery College. We are delighted to have you and your child as part of our DC Community. The information below will assist you in preparing for your child’s entry into Discovery College. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. .
Please click on the below heading for related information.
Parent CommunicationsThe ESF App The ESF App is the primary method of communication that the school uses with parents. Please download the app on your device and register with the email you used when applying to the school. Please note the system will become available approximately 14 days prior to the start date. If you require any assistance please email ICT at To download the ESF App on an Android phone, please visit here and follow the instructional video when downloading the ESP Parent App. To download the ESF App via the Apple Store, please visit here. Parent & Student Handbook The purpose of the Parent and Student Handbook is to provide both our parents and students with a brief description of our policies and procedures to help them become more familiar with how the College operates, what our expectations are in certain key areas, how best to communicate with us and what to do if there is a question or concern. DC Parent Portal The Explorer Newsletter The Discovery College e-newsletter, The Explorer, is produced throughout the week and sent to families by App Message each Friday. Parents are asked to check the newsletter at the end of each week to familiarise themselves with news and announcements. General Inquiries
Start & Finish TimePrimary All students should arrive in the morning between 8 am and 8.15 am, leaving them time to go to their classrooms, unpack their bags, greet their teacher and be prepared to start the first lesson. Primary Dismissal Procedures Years 1 - 3 are to be collected at the LG/F Playground at 3.15 PM Years 4 - 6 are to be collected from the front entrance at 3.20 PM After the last lesson of each day, teachers in Years 1 through 6 will walk students to the designated areas for dismissal. Students who return home on the school bus are taken to a separate area where bus supervisors and staff members check attendance. In Year 6, students are permitted to walk home alone with written consent from an adult. All other year groups should be collected by an adult. The exception to this is Years 4 and 5. They can be escorted home by an older sibling, but please provide written consent to the class teacher. In Years 1, 2, and 3, teachers will not release students unless they contact an adult who is there to pick them up. This could be a quick conversation or a wave and some eye contact. Please ensure to notify both the class teacher and the Primary Office ( of any changes to your child’s routine. Secondary All students should arrive in the morning between 8 am and 8.15 am, leaving them time to go to their classrooms, unpack their bags, greet their teacher and be prepared to start the first lesson. Students are dismissed at 3:30 PM.
UniformsYear 1 to Year 11 Discovery College uniforms can be ordered online and delivered straight to your home, or you may collect them in person at the uniform showroom in Lai Chi Kok. Simply go to the website, click on the Discovery College logo, and browse our uniform collection ( House Uniform Discovery College has five houses, each made up of vertical groupings of staff and students across all year levels. The five houses are based on the five elements of Chinese creation. Siblings are placed in the same house. As one of the measures to develop a sense of pride and belonging to their College House, the students are required to wear a coloured House shirt. This Shirt will be worn on all House meeting days, for College athletic and swimming events, and on days of House competitions and activities. Students will remain in the same House for their entire schooling at Discovery College. Please click here to view the school dress code. Year 12 & 13 Senior students (Year 12 and 13) do not need to wear school uniforms, but need to abide by the Senior Students' Dress Code, which can be found in the Parent and Student Handbook (please refer to Senior Student Privileges). House Uniform Discovery College has five houses, each made up of vertical groupings of staff and students across all year levels. The five houses are based on the five elements of Chinese creation. Siblings are placed in the same house. As one of the measures to develop a sense of pride and belonging to their College House. Senior Students must wear House colours to all House events - where possible, students are encouraged to wear the official House shirts. Discovery College uniforms can be ordered online and delivered straight to your home, or you may collect them in person at the uniform showroom in Lai Chi Kok. Simply go to the website, click on the Discovery College logo and browse our uniform collection (
Laptop & Computer AccessAll students in Years 1-2 will access iPads provided by the College when required. All students in Years 3-5 will access Laptops and iPads provided by the College when required. All students in Year 6 and above will use one to one computing and are required to buy a laptop computer and associated software in line with the current model being supported in the College. Year 6 to Year 9 are recommended to purchase a Chromebook. Parents have the option of purchasing an Apple laptop instead of a Chromebook. All students in Year 10 or above are recommended to purchase an Apple laptop. We also highly recommend you buy a USB backup drive of at least 2TB to protect your child’s work. Please click here for model details and information on how to order via the school-recommended vendor. Laptop orders will take 4-6 weeks to be delivered at the school. Please note: parents can choose to purchase their device through another vendor of their choice. If the laptop purchased via the school provider has not arrived by the commencement date, the school can provide a laptop loaner.Please email ICT at to arrange a collection time.
CurriculumIB PYP (Year 1 to Year 6), please click here and here. IB MYP (Year 7 to Year 11), please click here. IB DP/CP (Year 12 to Year 13), please click here.
No Boundaries ProgrammeThe No Boundaries Programme is designed to allow students to step out of their comfort zones and explore new horizons. The activities included in this programme are carefully curated to challenge students in various ways and encourage them to develop new skills and perspectives. Students will have the opportunity to engage in team-building exercises, outdoor activities, creative projects, and more. It is expected and is a DC requirement that all students will attend these five days. Please click here for further information about the program. To sign up for one of NB programmes, please click either Y8/9 program or Y10-12 program. Should you require additional details about the programme or to sign up for an activity, please contact the NB team at
PTA & Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs)Co-curriculum Activities (CCA) We encourage our students at Discovery College to use the CCA programme to “Discover where their true passion lies” by engaging in as many Co-Curricular activities as possible. Co-curricular activities enhance and build on children’s experiences and learning within the school. The activities will contribute to their intellectual, social, cultural and emotional growth. For more information about CCAs please click here or email our Activities Coordinator to Parent Teacher Association (DCPTA) The DCPTA is run by a committee of volunteers. Its main function is to promote and enhance cooperation between parents, teachers, and all College staff for the education and wellbeing of DC students. PTA fees are to be paid via the school's electronic payment system. Discovery College uses an Electronic Payment facility on the ESF App to handle all miscellaneous fees, e.g. Co-curricular Activities, Cobra sports, excursions, camps, etc., in addition to the PTA and Stationery Fees. This facility is used by all ESF schools. The English Schools Foundation Ordinance requires that all parents of Discovery College join the DCPTA. PTA fees will be paid through the ePayment account of the youngest enrolled sibling of each family. An account cannot be set up / activated any earlier than 7 days prior to a student starting school. Information about the ePayment may be found on the DC Parent Portal here. Please contact if you have any questions about the facility.
Textbooks & StationeryPRIMARY Stationery: Please click here to view the stationary information. Textbooks: Parents are not required to purchase any textbook. SECONDARY Stationery: Please click here to view the stationary information. Textbooks: Please click here to view the textbook information.
Secondary Forms to FillYear 7-9 Language Acquisition form Please note you should only complete this form if you would like to request a place in a Spanish class. Year 10 1 - Language Acquisition form Please note you should only complete this form if you would like to request a place in a Spanish class. 2- Arts Choices 3- Design Choices Year 11 1 - Language Acquisition form Please note you should only complete this form if you would like to request a place in a Spanish class. 2- Arts Choices 3- Design Choices Year 12 Please review the Senior School Prospectus, which contains all the relevant information for pathways, course selection information and presentations, and complete the 'Y12 Subject Selections 2024- 2026 - New students' form. Should you have any questions please contact Mr. Will Hurtado, IB Diploma Programme Coordinator at
LunchesStudents may bring food from home. No food can be brought into the school for students during the day. Peanuts and peanut products are banned within the school. This restriction includes all food brought to school from home. Asia Pacific Catering (APC) is the College’s food service provider. They offer a wide range of healthy food alternatives for students. For information on how to order and menus, please click here. If you have any questions, please contact the Cafeteria Manager, Mr. Benny Heung (
BusesSchool buses are provided by a third-party bus company and coordinated by the school. Each school bus has an experienced bus supervisor who accompanies the students in the morning and afternoon when primary students are riding on the bus. According to EDB’s guidelines, the bus supervisor's main duty is to take care of primary students only. Each student riding the school bus must accept and abide by the Rules of Respect of the school. The company KWOON CHUNG MOTORS provides the school bus service for Discovery College students. The bus service is specifically for students living outside Discovery Bay. For further details, please click here. Further inquiries should be made to
School FeesInformation about school fees can be found here (please go to the All-through school tab) For fee and deposit inquiries please contact ESF Billing at or (+852) 3762 2422.
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