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Senior School
Prospectus. 2024-26


At Discovery College, we believe in the development of the student as a whole person, intellectually, emotionally, physically, and socially, so that when students leave us they are ready for active world citizenship.

Diploma Courses

This option is aimed at students who do not need the full IB Diploma to achieve their future aspirations...

The Application Process

In January of each year there is a presentation to interested parents and students. The DP and CP Coordinators outline the details of the programmes available....

Group 3: Individuals and Societies

Business and Management, Economics, Geography, History and Psychology are offered at both Higher and Standard Level...

Group 6: The Arts

At Discovery College, we offer the following Group 6 subjects: Theatre, Music, Visual Arts and Film. ..

Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS)

CAS is a framework for experiential learning, designed to involve students in new and meaningful roles...

IB Assessment and Moderation Procedures

Consistent with the general and subject-specific objectives of the IB Diploma Programme, assessment procedures are designed to emphasise process..

Practical Arrangements

DP Courses students follow a reduced timetable that depends on which combination of subjects is undertaken.

Subject Selection Process Timeline (2024-25)

The 'Subject Selection Process and Timeline', outlines the key milestones involved in making choices in terms of pathway and subjects in Years 12&13

The IB Career-Related Programme

Discovery College is offering the IB Career-related Programme (IBCP) as an option for students in Years 12-13...

Subjects Offered at Discovery College

Each IB Diploma Programme Group offers a variety of subjects.

Group 4: Sciences

Through studying any of the Group 4 subjects, students should become aware of how scientists work and communicate with each other...

Theory of Knowledge

The Theory of Knowledge course, which is a 100-hour two-year timetabled course and is mandatory for all IBDP students..

The Two Year Programme

Higher Education Counselling

Our purpose is to assist students in career exploration and to emphasise the link between academic engagement and the path to university. ..

High Performance Student Athletes (HPSA)

The High Performance Student Athlete (HPSA) program is an athlete-centered programme of educational and pastoral assistance provided by Discovery College...

The IB Diploma Programme

The curriculum consists of six subject groups

Discovery College Graduation Requirements

Successful completion of the IB Diploma Programme or the IB Career-Related Programme qualifies a student for the Discovery College Graduation Certificate...

Groups 1 and Group 2: Languages

Students taking the IB Diploma must study at least two languages. All students take a first language and in addition either another first language...

Group 5: Mathematics

There are two Mathematics courses, each being offered at both higher and standard level. In each course, the SL course is a subset of the HL course...

Extended Essay

The IB defines the Extended Essay as “an in-depth study of a limited topic within a subject....

Learning Team Programme

Throughout Years 12 and 13, students undertake the following programme of activities...

What can parents do to support the university application process?

Encourage your child to explore career paths and develop career goals with the clear understanding that initial interests may change over time. ..

Who to Contact

Grow. Discover. Dream. 

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