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Senior Student Privileges

Years 12 & 13 are in many ways a transition to the more independent nature of university life. At Discovery College, our approach is to treat our Senior students more like adults, with the expectation that they will behave more like adults. Students in Year 12 and 13 are therefore granted certain privileges that are not given to younger students. With privilege comes responsibility. Senior students must behave responsibly and with maturity at all times, in particular when not being directly supervised by staff. This is particularly important in a through-train school where inevitably Senior students are viewed as role models for students in Years 1-11. If a student, a group of students, or a whole year group behaves in an inappropriate way, the College reserves the right to suspend or withdraw completely any or all of the privileges outlined below.


Senior students do not need to wear school uniform, but need to abide by the Senior Students Dress Code. Any student who breaches the dress code may be sent home to change into more appropriate attire. If this occurs, the student is responsible for catching up on missed work. A student who repeatedly breaches the dress code may lose any or all privileges.


Hair can be worn down, with the exception of lengths that pose a health safety risk. Hair on or below the shoulders must be tied up as required for health and safety reasons during certain classes such as P.E., science, design technology. Subtle hair colours or dyes are permitted.

Shirts and tops

Strapless or see-through tops are not acceptable. No offensive logos are allowed, and are to be determined at the discretion of the College (e.g. swear words, racist slogans, violent graphics, advertising logos for alcohol, smoking, or illegal drugs).


Skirts and shorts

Length must be appropriate for school.


Wedges, thin heels, stilettos and flip-flops are not acceptable for safety reasons, e.g. tripping on stairs; covered toes in DT/Science as required (sometimes essential for Science practicals).


Subtle makeup may be worn, alongside nail polish. Students will be asked to remove any excessive makeup.


Jewellery may be worn, with the exception of those that could cause potential harm to the student and those around them. Jewellery that could be hazardous to student safety should be removed for P.E., design subjects, and other activities where they could potentially be a hazard. Excess jewellery (to be determined by the school) should also be removed for official school photos. The school is not responsible for the loss of these items, and is not bound to try and retrieve them if lost.

Piercings and Tattoos

Piercings are acceptable, unless they are offensive or pose a safety risk (to be determined at the discretion of the College). Tattoos must not be visible.

Physical activity

A change of clothes is required as appropriate for activity; appropriate non-marking footwear as per other year levels.

House events

Senior Students must wear House colours to all House events - where possible, students are encouraged to wear the official House shirts.

Mobile Devices

Senior Students can use their mobile devices in the Senior Student Centre. However, in all other areas of the school they should ensure their mobile devices stay in their bags on silent.

Teachers may give permission for students to use their mobile devices in lessons for educational purposes.

Non-contact study blocks

In the DP, Higher Level subjects are allocated five blocks per fortnight, whereas Standard Level subjects are allocated four. All Senior students will have non-contact study blocks. During these blocks, Senior students are not supervised by staff. They may choose to go to the library if they wish to do research using library resources. If they wish to work collaboratively in groups, they can use the cafeteria (G/F, 1/F and 2/F) or any outdoor seating space, except during primary lunch (Block 3). During recess and secondary lunch, Senior students must share the cafeteria facilities with other year groups as normal. There is a dedicated room in the Senior Student Centre for quiet study only. While it is possible that this space will occasionally be booked for special functions, it will be available most of the time.

Occasionally teachers or students may organise some form of physical activity e.g. a game or general exercise. Participation is optional but students are encouraged to take the opportunity to keep active and may use the Wellness Centre at these times.

The general rule for non-contact study blocks is that other activities going on in the school such as regular lessons for Years 1-13 must not be disturbed. Any Senior student who disturbs any school activity with unruly or inappropriate behaviour may lose any or all privileges.

Students who are identified by teachers as being behind with their work or who do not submit assessment tasks on time may be required to go to the quiet study room during their non-contact study blocks.

Absent teachers

When a teacher of a DP or CP lesson is absent, a cover teacher is not normally allocated. Teachers send work directly to students by email. Students can then do this work in one of the study spaces outlined above. Some teachers may be happy for students to sit and work in the normal teaching room, while some teachers will instruct students not to come to class. Occasionally teachers may request a cover teacher, for example to supervise an assessment. In that case, students need to go to class as normal.

If a teacher has a prolonged absence, a cover teacher will be provided and students will need to attend the lesson

Entry into school

Senior students have access to the College from 7.30am, Monday to Friday, to the study areas outlined above, except the library. After school they continue to enjoy access to the Senior Student Centre until 6pm. It is important that students using school facilities, including outside of regular school hours, take careful responsibility for their behaviour and act appropriately at all times. In particular, Senior students should ensure that they do not use their smart cards to grant access to students from lower year groups to spaces that are only available to Years 12-13. The school’s security guards provide an adult presence on the school campus during blocks outside the regular school day, and students must be proactive in communicating any issues or problems to the security guards that may occur out of regular hours.

Library access

Access to the library via the 3/F entrance is available to Senior students through the use of their smart cards during hours the library is staffed. The 3/F library door is strictly reserved for the use of teachers and Senior students. Students must check out books downstairs before leaving the library with them. Senior students must not allow younger students to enter or exit with them when using the 3/F door. Should the above guidelines be breached, the Head of Library and the secondary leadership team reserves the right to withhold the student’s exit pass for an amount of time they deem appropriate.

Wellness Centre

The Wellness Centre is open for Senior students from 7am-5pm, including during non-contact study blocks and across secondary lunch. All Senior students are encouraged to make use of this valuable resource. The Wellness Coordinator is available to offer group classes, consultations, and work with individuals on personal training.

Learning Team

All Senior students are in a Learning Team and will have a Learning Advisor, just as in Years 7-11. All students must attend registration from 8.20 am -8.30 am and must be punctual. Regular lateness may lead to the suspension or withdrawal of any or all privileges.

Learning Team time will take place during specified blocks in the timetable. The programme will be more flexible and informal than in Years 7-11, but attendance at all sessions is compulsory. Activities will include Higher Education Counselling, CAS and Service Learning administration, Extended Essay and Reflective Project training, personal/social/health education with external providers, life skills (e.g. cooking), study skill training, team-building games and physical activity.

Exit Pass

Senior students in possession of an Exit Pass are allowed to leave the school campus during recess, lunch and their non-contact blocks. Conditions of the Exit Pass are outlined in the Exit Pass rules.

Exit Pass rules

  • Upon receipt of the Exit Pass form, signed by the student and parent/guardian, students will be issued with an Exit Pass.

  • The Exit Pass can only be used to leave school during lunch and non-contact blocks. Students should only leave at recess if they have a non-contact block immediately before or afterwards. If a student needs to leave school during lesson time (e.g. for a medical appointment), normal exit procedures must be followed.

  • Students must leave the Exit Pass with the security guard when they leave school and collect it when they return.

  • Students must return on time for lessons.

  • Students must arrive to school by 8.14am and attend Learning Team by 8.20am. The Exit Pass cannot be used to arrive late to school if the first block is a non-contact block.

  • Students who lose their Exit Pass will not be able to leave school until a replacement is issued. The first Exit Pass is issued for free – for a replacement, a fee of $50 is charged.

  • The school cannot take responsibility for what happens to students once they leave the school campus using an Exit Pass. While Discovery Bay is a very safe and secure environment, students must exercise due care and responsibility. Students are not monitored or chaperoned while off-campus.

  • Students leaving with an Exit Pass are representing the College and are expected to follow school rules and regulations until they reach their homes, and at all times if they are returning to school. For example, this means that rules regarding smoking, language and public displays of affection must be followed.

  • Students must act at all times with cultural sensitivity, remaining mindful of our setting in Discovery Bay in Hong Kong, with many different cultures represented.

  • Any student returning to school who is believed to be under the influence of alcohol or any illegal substance, consumed during their absence, will be interviewed and possibly sent home to await further disciplinary action.

  • Students identified by teachers as being behind with work or who do not submit assessment tasks on time may have their Exit Pass privilege withdrawn and be required to spend non-contact study blocks in the quiet study area.

Grow. Discover. Dream. 

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