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Senior School Prospectus.


The Application Process

Current Students

In January of each year, there is a presentation to interested parents and students. The DP and CP Coordinators outline the details of the programmes available, while Heads of Department outline the details of each subject and its requirements. The Higher Education Counsellors are available to answer any questions about the implications of subject choices on university applications. Students, in discussion with their parents and current teachers, then determine which courses in each subject group might be appropriate for them. This information is then submitted to the DP and CP Coordinators who may consult further with the student and their subject teachers as to the suitability of their choices. Where there are concerns about the student’s present level of achievement, the College reserves the right not to accept a student into the Diploma Programme. Such students may be guided into doing DP Courses, the IB Career-related Certificate or be recommended to transfer to the Applied Learning pathway at another ESF school.

Students entering from another school

Students applying from outside of Discovery College must complete normal admissions procedures. The application will be reviewed and transcripts forwarded from their previous school(s).

Planning a course of study

Students need to be aware of their strengths and interests as they consider which programme and subjects to take. They should carefully review school reports and subject teacher feedback in making their options choices. They should also take into account their future study and career plans. Students should become familiar with the requirements and expectations of the universities and colleges in the countries where they intend to apply. They are strongly encouraged to consult the Higher Education Counsellors and undertake their own research, when appropriate consulting the admissions officers at their prospective universities and colleges.

Higher Level or Standard Level

For many students, once the individual subjects have been chosen, the greatest difficulty is in deciding what level of study is appropriate: Higher Level or Standard Level. Students need to carefully balance their own interests and abilities with university requirements. Students are urged to speak to their teachers or Heads of Department to find out the differences between Higher Level and Standard Level. In some subjects the difference

between Higher Level and Standard Level is mainly the amount of work in the syllabus, while in others it is a variation in the degree of difficulty.

Grow. Discover. Dream. 

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